Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fuck you food....

Today has been disgustingly dreadful. Everything was fine until I got home at around 9 pm and my father decided I lied about eating before I came home, he threw out my soup and made me eat 2 fat pieces of chicken and a big fat bowl of potato chips. He said I could not leave the table until I ate all of it. I am bloated and fat and gross and I tried to throw up but I can't. I HATE feeling full. I hate feeling like this. I hate my father for doing this to me. I can't wait to get out of here.

My plan for dodging this fat bullet: 3 day fast.

Tomorrow and thursday and friday I am only going to have liquids. Water, Diet Soda, Tea, Coffee.

Coffee is my "safe food", even though it's technically not food, I can drink it and it makes me feel full and it wakes me up and it helps me survive the day. I love coffee.

My stomach hurts.

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